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        • Approval setting: Control the distribution of media, and search play logs by custom field.
        • Player authentication: Bind terminal players to players.
        • Session timeout: Automatically log out system if users do not perform any action for a long period of time.


titleSetting Approval Function

Choose to enable or disable the Approval function in Media Management Media.

Step 1     Choose Organization Management System Management.

Step 2     Set Enable media items approval to Yes or No.

          • Yes: Select a record in the media list, click Attribute, and then the Approval tab appears. Users can approve, request for approval or refuse media. Approved media can be distributed while refused media cannot be distributed.

− Approved media can be distributed. Media items that are refused and need approval cannot be distributed.

− Refused media cannot be added to playlists.

          • No: Select a record in the media list, click Attribute, and the Approval tab is not shown. Approval is not needed and the media can be distributed directly.

Step 3     Click Save or Save&Close.

titleSetting Player Authentication Information

After successful registration, VNNOX will generate the default authentication information automatically. Authentication information is required while users bind terminal players to players. To prevent terminal players from illegally accessing VNNOX, you are advised to change the default authentication information.

Step 1     Choose Image RemovedOrganization Management System Management.

Step 2     Select the Player Authentication tab.

Step 3     Set the authentication user name and password. Then click Save or Save&Close.

titleSetting Timeout

Log out the system automatically if users do not perform any action within the time preset in session timeout.

Step 1     Choose Organization Management System Management.

Step 2     Select the Other Settings tab.

Step 3     Set the duration for session timeout and then click Save or Save&Close.
