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Application Scenarios

Sync the time of terminal players.

Related Information

Time synchronization is to synchronize the time of terminal players. Users can choose NTP or RF for time synchronization according to actual condition.


titleModifying Time Synchronization Task Attributes

Step 1     Choose Players Management Time Synchronization.

Step 2     Select a time synchronization task and click Attribute, or click a task name. Time synchronization task attributes are explained in Table 3-13.

Table 3-13  Time synchronization task attributes

Tab Name


Basic Info

Set the name and description of the time synchronization task.


Set the workgroup the time synchronization task belongs to.


  • NTP: Choose NTP server.
  • RF: Choose a reference device for time synchronization. If the time of the reference device is synchronized via NTP server, set NTP to Yes and choose NTP server.


Add or delete the players contained in the time synchronization task.

Step 3     After the attributes are edited, click Save or Save&Close.
