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Application Scenarios

View or update the settings relating to users.

Related Information

Personal settings include the basic information and workgroup of the current user, and system language.

The user management, organization info, role and workgroup menus are used to quickly jump to the corresponding configuration pages in cloud platform.

titlePersonal Settings

Choose Image Removed > Personal Settings to jump to the Personal Settings page of cloud platform where you can set the basic user information and account security or choose a default system.

For detailed operations, see Cloud Platform Settings > Personal Settings in the online help.

titlePlayer Authentication

Choose Image Removed > Player Authentication to jump to the Player Authentication page of cloud platform to view, change or copy player authentication information.

For detailed operations, see Cloud Platform Settings > Player Authentication in the online help.

titleUser Management

Choose Image Removed > User Manager to jump to the User Management page of cloud platform to view, create, change or delete users.

For detailed operations, see Cloud Platform Settings > User Management in the online help.

titleOrganization Information

Choose Image Removed > Organization Info to jump to the Organization Info page of cloud platform to set the information such as website address, name, copyright and logo of the VNNOX system.

For detailed operations, see Cloud Platform Settings > Organization Info in the online help.


Choose Image Removed > Role to jump to VNNOX AD role management page of cloud platform to view, create, change or delete roles.

For detailed operations, see Cloud Platform Settings > Roles in the online help.



Choose Image Removed > Workgroup to jump to VNNOX AD workgroup management page of cloud platform to view, create, change or delete workgroups.



Control media distribution to enhance the security of media publishing.

Enabling media item approval allows users to check and approve the uploaded media to make sure the media is secure.

Operating Procedure

Step 1 Choose Image Added> Organization Management > System Management.

Step 2 Select Yes or No next to Enable media items approval, as shown in Figure 10-3.

Media approval settings

Image Added

        • Yes: The Approved tab is displayed on the media attribute page. Users can approve media, request for approval, and refuse media, as shown in Figure 10-4.
          •  Approved media items can be distributed to players while the media items that are refused and need approval cannot be distributed to players.
          •  Refused media items cannot be added to playlists.

Enabling approval

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        • No: The Approved tab is not displayed on the media attribute page. Media can be distributed directly without the need for approval, as shown in Figure 10-5.

Disabling approval

Image Added

Step 3 Click Save or Save & Close.