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VNNOX AD offers services of remote content management and control for LED display control systems. It allows users to remotely control the screen status in real time, preset screen control plans, customize the schedules of solutions, insert emergency notifications, specify non-scheduled content for solutions, etc. catering to the habits of advertisers.

VNNOX AD employs resource grouping management to enable permission assignment and data isolation. A media approval mechanism is used for controlling media distribution and enhance the security of media publishing.


      • Easy access for multiple terminals

Supports multiple types of terminals such as the Taurus series multimedia players, the VPlayer synchronous players, etc.

      • New smart publishing method

Solutions are published to players over the Internet. After downloaded by players, solutions will be played as scheduled.

      • Personalized solution scheduling

Allows solutions to be played by default (the non-scheduled content will be played during the period without scheduled playback tasks), at a specified interval or as scheduled and supports emergency insertion.

      • Remote screen status control

Screens can be controlled in real time or as scheduled over the Internet, such as player restart, screen status, volume, brightness, video source switching, etc.

      • Detailed play logs

Automatically generates play logs that show the detailed statistics of all types of playback data of screens.

      • A variety of templates and widgets

Offers a variety of page and frame templates and a WYSIWYG content editor, and allows for custom templates.

      • Custom resource grouping management

Allows users to customize the workgroups of media, playlists, solutions, and players to enable resource grouping management, permission assignment, and data isolation.

      • Refined permission management

Different permissions can be assigned to users and roles based on different needs.




Solution Creating


Media is the smallest unit of a solution.


A playlist is a collection of sequenced media items.


A solution is a collection of scheduled playlists.

Solution publishing

Solution association

Associate solutions with players, specify non-scheduled content and set the solution distribution rule.

  • Non-scheduled content: The non-scheduled content is played during the period without scheduled playback tasks.
  • Solution distribution rule: Choose to distribute solutions manually, automatically or as scheduled.

Publishing progress

After a player is associated with a solution, users can view the solution publishing progress and the download status of each media item in the solution.

Play logs

View the playback records of players.

Player control

Real-time control

Remotely enable players to immediately execute the following commands.

  • Restart players
  • Control screen status
  • Control screen power
  • Enable synchronous playback
  • Switch video source
  • Adjust volume
  • Adjust brightness
  • Obtain time zone

Scheduled control

Set remote control plans to remotely control players as scheduled.

  • Restart players
  • Control screen status
  • Switch video source
  • Control power
  • Adjust volume
  • Adjust brightness


Capture screenshots of the playback window to check whether the playback status and the content being played are correct. If necessary, users can turn off the screen instantly.

Player upgrade

Upgrade the player to the required version.

Time synchronization

Time synchronization is to sync time for players. Users can choose NTP or RF time synchronization as required.

Player management


Create, delete, transfer, and modify players.

Template management

Page templates

Other types of media can be added to a page template. Users need to select a page template when adding a "Page" type of media.

Frame templates

A frame refers to the layout of playback windows on a screen. The screen is divided into different areas. Each area plays the specified content according to the playback plan specified in the solution.

Users need to select a frame template when creating a solution and only one frame template can be selected for a solution.

License management


Licenses give users permissions to use players. A player can be used normally after associated with a license.



Sort media, playlists and solutions to make it easier for filtering and search.

Media approval


Enabling media item approval allows users to check and approve the uploaded media to make sure the media is secure.

  • Approved media items can be distributed to players while the media items that are refused and need approval cannot be distributed to players.
  • Refused media items cannot be added to playlists.

Session timeout


Set the amount of time for session timeout. VNNOX automatically logs out when the user does not perform any action during the specified period of time.