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      • NTP对时:终端播放器从NTP服务器对时。不用增加硬件,但对时的精确度依赖网速,以及使用4G网络时会产生流量。
      • Lora对时:应用于Taurus,需设置主从设备。从设备通过Lora网络从主设备(基准设备)对时。主设备可根据实际需求设置为从NTP服务器对时。需购买Lora设备,适用于时间同步要求高的场景,不产生流量,但信号接收依赖环境,并且有距离限制。


步骤 1      选择“Image Removed > 播放器管理 > 对时”。

步骤 2      查看当前用户创建的所有对时任务,或者通过搜索任务名称查看某个对时任务。

步骤 3     (可选)单击“名称”列中的对时任务名称,跳转到对时任务的属性界面。


步骤 1      选择“Image Removed > 播放器管理 > 对时”。

步骤 2     (可选)单击“NTP服务器配置”,配置NTP服务器信息,单击“保存&关闭”。

步骤 3      单击“新建”。

步骤 4      输入对时任务名称,选择对时方式,单击“下一步”。

          • NTP:选择NTP服务器,单击“确定”。
          • LORA:选择对时基准设备,单击“确定”。Lora对时仅对异步播放器有效。



步骤 1      选择“Image Removed > 播放器管理 > 对时”。

步骤 2      勾选一个对时任务并单击“属性”,或者单击一个对时任务的名称。对时任务属性说明如表3-13所示。

表3-13  对时任务属性
















  • NTP对时:用于选择NTP服务器。
  • Lora对时:用于选择对时基准设备。如果基准设备需要从NTP服务器对时,则将“NTP”设置为“是”,并选择NTP服务器。





步骤 3      属性编辑完成后,单击“保存”或“保存&关闭”。



步骤 1      选择“Image Removed > 播放器管理 > 对时”。

步骤 2      勾选一个或多个对时任务,单击“删除”。



Time synchronization is to sync time for players.

Related Information

Users can choose NTP or RF time synchronization as required.

      • NTP time synchronization: Sync the time of players with the NTP server. No additional hardware is required, but the accuracy of time synchronization depends on the Internet speed and using the 4G network incurs mobile data usage.
      • RF time synchronization: Set the master device and slave devices. The time of slave devices is synced with the master (reference) device via an RF signal. The time of the master device can be synced with the NTP server as required. Users need to buy RF devices. RF time synchronization is suitable for the applications with a high requirement for time synchronization (such as synchronous playback) and does not use mobile data. But the signal reception depends on the environment and has distance limitations.

titleCreating Time Synchronization Tasks

Step 1     Choose Image AddedPlayer Management Time Synchronization.

Step 2     (Optional) Select the NTP server configuration tab and click Add to configure the NTP server information.

    Figure 5-12 NTP server configuration

     Image Added

    Figure 5-13 Creating a sever

    Image Added

Step 3     Select the Time Synchronization tab and click New.

Step 4     Enter a name and select a method for the time synchronization task, then click Next.

          • NTP: Select an NTP server and click OK. The Players tab page is displayed.
          • RF: Select a reference device for time synchronization and click OK. The Players tab page is displayed.

RF time synchronization is only available for asynchronous players.

Image Added

Step 5     Click Add to add the players included in the time synchronization task.

     For an RF time synchronization task, the reference device you specified is not in the player selection list.

Step 6     Click Save & Close.

titleModifying Time Synchronization Task Attributes

Step 1     Choose Image Added> Player Management > Time Synchronization.

Step 2     On the Time Synchronization tab page, select a time synchronization task and click Attribute, or click the time synchronization task name.

     The attributes of the time synchronization task are illustrated in Table 5-3.

      Table 5-3 Time synchronization task attributes

Tab NamePurposeDescription

Basic Info

Specify the name and description of the time synchronization task.



Specify the workgroup the time synchronization task belongs to.

The system administrator can view all the time synchronization tasks. Sub-users can view the time synchronization tasks only in the public workgroup, their workgroups and sub-workgroups, as well as the time synchronization tasks shared to their workgroups.


  • NTP time synchronization: Select an NTP server.
  • RF time synchronization: Select a reference device for time synchronization. If the time of the reference device is synced with an NTP server, Set NTP to Yes and select an NTP server.



Add or remove the players included in the time synchronization task.

For the detailed operating procedure, see Creating Time Synchronization Tasks.

Step 3     After attribute editing is done, click Save or Save & Close.

Step 4     On the NTP server configuration tab page, select an NTP server and click Attribute, or click the NTP server name.

     The attributes of public servers (China, America) cannot be modified. The attributes of the added NTP server are illustrated in Table 5-4.

    Table 5-4 NTP server attributes

Tab NamePurposeDescription
Basic InfoSet the name and address of the NTP server.-
WorkgroupSpecify the workgroup the NTP server belongs to.The system administrator can view all the NTP servers. Sub-users can view the NTP servers only in the public workgroup, their workgroups and sub-workgroups, as well as the NTP servers shared to their workgroups.

Step 5     After the attribute editing is done, click Save or Save & Close.