Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Related Information

    • A solution can contain one or more pages and a page can contain one or more media items.
    • Pages are played in order from top to bottom.

Operating Procedure

Step 1   


 On the Solutions page, click New Solution and select a solution type.

     Solution types include regular solution, ultra-long-screen solution, splicing screen solution, and rotating screen solution.



1 Solutions



Image Added


The rotating screen solution is displayed only when the user account has permission.

Step 2     Specify a solution name and resolution, select associated solutions (optional), and click OK. (Splicing screen solutions also require row and column settings.)

    The solution editor is displayed.

Step 3     Specify a name and resolution for the solution and click OK.

     The The solution editing page editor is displayed.

Figure 3-3 Solution editing pageeditor

Image RemovedImage Added

Table 3-2 Description of the solution editing page Solution editor description



Set basic information


or change

the solution type and name, edit the solution name and

set the resolution

resolution, and select screens to be associated.


Add media


Click a media icon to add the corresponding type of media to the page media editing area

.Click Image Removed to select the resources from Content


Saving and publishing solutions

Save, preview and publish a solution

Save, preview and publish


a solution.


Editing solution pages

Add, copy,

Edit media and pages

Edit media and pages.

  • Media: Adjust media order and delete media.
    • Click the up/down buttons or drag media to change the layer order.
    • Media includes media types such as images, videos, mixed media, and documents, which can be adjusted in playback order by clicking the up/down buttons or manually dragging the media.
  • Page: Add, copy and delete pages, and
  • adjust the page order
of pages
  • .


are played in order

play sequentially from top to bottom.


Edit page media

Zoom pages in or out, delete media and change media layer order and layout. Batch operations are supported. A text widget can be added by double-clicking the


blank area.

Users can copy media (including its properties) from other pages and paste the media to the current page.

  • You can undo at most 5 steps.
  • You can redo at most 5 steps.

Edit properties

Edit the properties of widgets and pages.

Widget properties: Widgets are the media items added to a page. The properties of different widgets vary. Select a widget before editing its properties.

Page properties: Specify the validity range, play count, and schedule for a page.

  • Validity Range: If this option is selected, Start Date and End Date will be displayed. Expired pages will be skipped during solution playback.
  • Times to Play: Specifies the number of times to play the page continuously.
  • Schedule: Specifies the time and interval to play a page. If there are overlapping timeslots with other pages, the pages will be played according to the page order from top to bottom

Step 4    After the solution editing is done, click Save.

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