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Application Scenarios

After a solution is associated in player attributes, the solution can be distributed manually, automatically or as scheduled in VNNOX.

Related Information

A solution is a collection of scheduled playlists.

Step 1     Choose Media Management Solution.

Step 2     Perform any of the following operations to create a solution.

          • Click New. Enter a name for the solution and set its categories, and then click Next. Choose a frame template and click OK.
          • Select a solution and click Copy. Enter a name for the copied solution and click OK.

Note: Frame templates can be filtered out through the filter on the left side of the Choose Frames dialog box according to the specified number framesets.

If a solution contains many framesets, it will be required to schedule each frameset respectively.

Step 1     Choose Media Management Solution.

Step 2     Select a solution and click Attribute. The week timetable on the Schedule page under the Solution Settings tab is displayed by default. Assume that the solution only have one frameset, as shown in Figure 3-9. Description of the page are shown in Table 3-5.

Figure 3-9 Schedule

Table 3-5 Description of the Solution Settings tab

1Schedule buttons
  • Create: Click this button, and the Create dialog box appears.
  • Edit: Select a schedule in the timetable and click this button. Then the Edit dialog box appears.
  • Delete: Select a schedule in the timetable and click this button to delete the schedule.
  • Clear: Click this button to clear schedules.
2Date buttons
  • Day: Show the timetable in day view.
  • Week: Show the timetable in week view.
  • Month: Show the timetable in month view.
  • Schedule: List schedules and the media contained in each schedule.
3Common buttons
  • Save: Save configuration.
  • Reset: Restore configuration.
  • Save&Close: Save configuration and close the attribute page.
4Date switching buttons
  • : Switch to a previous date by day, week or month.
  • : Switch to a subsequent date by day, week or month.
  • Today: Switch the timetable to the current day.
  • This Week: Switch the timetable to the current week.
  • This Month: Switch the timetable to the current month.
5SchedulesThe timetable is shown in week view by default.

Step 3     Click day, week or month to enter relevant timetables. Perform any of the following operations to create a solution.

          • Click Create.
          • Click a cell in the timetable and click . Each cell of the timetable in day and week views stands for one hour, while in month view stands for one day.

Step 4     Select a playlist in the Playlist tab of the Create dialog.

Step 5     Select the Play plan tab and set play duration and date or play duration and period.

          • When the Repeat is set to Not repeating, the solution can be played normally according to the plan if the date is set to the current day or any day within 7 days after the current day. The solution will not be played if the date is set to other days.
          • If the Repeat is set to Every day, Weekly, Per month or Per year, the solution will be played repeatedly according to the period you set.

Step 6     Select the Option tab and set the schedule color shown in the timetable.

Step 7     After the configuration is done, click OK. The schedule is graphically shown in the timetable.

For the timetable in day and week views, the schedules will be shown side by side in the timetable if the schedules have overlapped timeslot. In Figure 3-5, three schedules in the week timetable are taken as an example. The system supports following operations on the schedules:

          • Drag the top and bottom edges of a schedule to modify its timeslot.
          • Drag a schedule to any position of the date when the schedule will be played to modify the timeslot.
          • Drag the schedules to modify the playback priority order during the overlapped timeslot, for example, the priority order of the three playlists in Figure 3-10 is: Playlist3 > Playlist2 > Playlist3. After the playback of Playlist2 is over, Playlist3 will be played from the beginning. Playlist1 will not be played.
          • Double click a schedule and the Edit dialog box appears.

Figure 3-10 There is overlapped timeslot

Drag the three schedules in Figure 3-10 until there is no overlapped timeslot. Then the schedules is shown as Figure 3-11.

Figure 3-11 There is no overlapped timeslot

The operating procedures described in this section are the steps to create an insertion. In addition, the system also offers the following functions:

        • Modifying insertion attributes: Allows you to modify the basic information, playlist and playback plan of an insertion.
        • Schedule statistics: Allows you to get the schedule statistics of an insertion.
        • Deleting insertions: Allows you to delete insertions.

A solution will stop playing when an insertion begins playing. When playing of the insertion ends, the solution will continue playing from where it stopped.

Step 1     Choose Media Management Solution.

Step 2     Select a solution and click Attribute. The week timetable on the Schedule page under the Solution Settings tab is displayed by default.

Step 3     On the left of the page, click Insertion. For example, if a solution has only one frameset, the page shown in Figure 3-12 will be displayed.

 Figure 3-12  Insertion

Step 4     Click New and perform any of the following operations.

          • Create: Create an insertion.

1. Enter a name for the new insertion and click Next.

2. Choose a playlist and click Next.

3. Set the insertion plan and click Done.

          • Choosing existing: Copy an existing insertion.

1. Choose an existing insertion and click Next.

2. Enter a name for the insertion and click Done.

Step 5     Click Save or Save&Close.

If a modified solution is associated with players, there will be following 3 cases according to the distribution type in the player attributes after the modified solution is saved.

        • Manual distribution: Users perform following operations to distribute the new solution manually.

   Choose > Players Management Players. Select the target player and click Update solution.

        • Auto distribution: VNNOX automatically distributes the new solution.
        • Scheduled distribution: VNNOX distributes the new solution at the specified solution update time. If the update time has passed, the new solution will not be distributed.

Step 1     Choose Media Management Solution.

Step 2     Select a solution and click Attribute, or select more solutions and click Bulk edit.

The solution attributes are explained in Table 3-6. Only some tabs and attributes are displayed during batch edit.

Figure 3-13 Solution attributes

Table 3-6  Solution attributes

Tab NamePurposeDescription
Basic InfoSpecify the name and description of the solution.-
WorkgroupSpecify the workgroup the solution belongs to and select the workgroups to which you will share the solution in a non-public workgroup.The system administrator can view all the solutions. Sub-users can view the solutions only in the public workgroup, their workgroups and sub-workgroups, as well as the solutions shared to their workgroups.
FrameSet the screen size and layout.

If there are two or more framesets, the following three buttons will be displayed in the Operate column.

  • : Assign the frameset a higher priority.
  • : Assign the frameset a lower priority.
  • : Delete the frameset.

A frameset with a higher priority will cover the framesets with lower priorities.

Solution SettingsSet solution schedule and insertion.For detailed operations, see Setting Solution Schedules and Setting Solution Insertion.

Step 3     After the attributes are edited, click Save or Save&Close.

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