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Feature Updates

New Features

      • Added studio mode.
        Added screen monitoring function in a new working mode – studio mode.
      • Added play log querying function in studio mode.
        Added layer view in list view for solution editing, allowing users to view all the layers of media on a page.
      • Added the function of viewing Allows users to view schedules during solution editing, allowing users to . Users can view the schedules of all the pages.
      • Allows users to batch apply page schedules in apply a schedule to multiple pages during solution editing.
      • Added an access for Allows users to give feedbackset volume for video media during solution editing.


      • Made improvements to Improved the interaction of page preview.
      • Made improvements to Improved the interaction of studio mode.Made improvements to the layout of media toolbar
      • Added text description for the media icons on the tool bar of solution editing page.

Fixed Problems


      • There are problems when users batch export and import advanced solutions.
      • When ViPlex Express controls the TCB300, some pages in terminal control are blank.

Remaining Problems


After video media are published to VPlayer or Taurus, volume settings do not take effect.The problem will be fixed in VPlayer V3.5.0 and Taurus V2.0.0

Related Information

ViPlex Express Display Content Publishing Management System for PC Async Studio Mode User Manual-V1V2.100.0.pdf

ViPlex Express Display Content Publishing Management System for PC Studio Async Mode User Manual-V1V2.100.0.pdf