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Versions Compared


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Feature Updates

New Features

An error code is added in the prompt that is displayed when an incorrect terminal login password is entered.


Improved the UI interaction when one or multiple terminals are selected for terminal control.

Fixed Problems

  • In studio mode, MPEG videos cannot be played.
  • ViPlex Express fails to run in the Spanish operating system.
  • The binding information cannot be read back on the server configuration page.
  • When text media is being previewed, its background is not transparent.
  • A page in a solution contains video media and RSS media. If the size of the RSS window is changed while the solution is being played normally, the RSS media will not be played normally.
  • When users connect to terminals on the User Software tab page, punctuation marks cannot be entered into the password field.

Remaining problems


  • Added an Ultra-Long Screen option when users create solutions. The ultra-long screen solutions can be played on ultra-wide and ultra-tall screens.
  • Allows users to customize tags for relays in Terminal Control > Power control in async mode.
  • Allows users to change the Wi-Fi AP channel in Terminal Control > Network configuration in async mode.


ViPlex Express employs a digital signature. When users install ViPlex Express as the system administrator, the intercept dialog box does not appear.

Fixed Problems

  • In async mode, the scrollbar is not displayed in Terminal Control > Play logs.
  • In async mode, the board power tag is empty by default in Terminal Control > Power control.
  • In async mode, when the UI language is French and the user enters an incorrect terminal login password, the Copier (copy) button next to the error code is not displayed completely.
  • When the playback window is out of the computer screen, the preview window is not displayed completely.

Remaining problems

This version is not available for 32-bit operating system.

Related Information